
Poster Presenters

Ueli Aeberhard (Christoph Glocker) Poster Title: Perfect multi-contact collisions (2.7 MB)

Sunil Ahuja (Clancy Rowley) Poster Title: Template-based stabilization of relative equilibria in systems with symmetry (0.7 MB)

Nawaf Bou-Rabee (Houman Owhadi) Poster Title: Variational Langevin Integrators (1.2 MB)

Philip Du Toit (Jerry Marsden) Poster Title: Hurricanes, Horseshoes, and Homoclinic Tangles -- Visualizing Transport and Lobe Dynamics in Tropical Storms (6.6 MB)

Oscar Fernandez (Tony Bloch) Poster Title: Hamiltonizing Nonholonomic Mechanics (0.3 MB)

Sebastian Ferraro (Hernan Cendra) Poster Title: A momentum-energy nonholonomic integrator (0.1 MB)

Francois Gay Balmaz (Tudor Ratiu) Poster Title: Affine Euler-Poincaré formulation of reduction for principal bundle field theories (0.1 MB)

Sergio Grillo (Hernan Cendra) Poster Title: Generalized nonholonomic systems and control (0.1 MB)

Andreas Johann (Jürgen Scheurle) Poster Title: Spiral Waves and Spiral Solitons in Lattice Differential Equations (6.6 MB)

Carsten Hartmann (Christof Schütte) Poster Title: Sampling rare events by constrained motion (0.8 MB)

Peter Koltai (Oliver Junge) Poster Title: Meshfree Numerics for Transfer Operators (0.6 MB)

Tsuyoshi Koyama (Christoph Glocker) Poster Title: Structure preserving model reduction of large-scale second-order linear dynamical systems (4.7 MB)

Sigrid Leyendecker (JE Marsden) Poster Title: Dynamic optimisation of a three-dimensional walker (1.7 MB)

Zhanhua Ma (Clancy Rowley) Poster Title: Development of variational Lie-Poisson integrators (1.2 MB)

Sina Ober-Blöbaum (Michael Dellnitz) Poster Title: Constrained Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control - applied to the optimal pitch (4.5 MB)

Themistoklis Sapsis (George Haller) Poster Title: Instabilities on the dynamics of inertial particles (5.3 MB)

Joris Vankerschaver (JE Marsden) Poster Title: Hamiltonian reduction for rigid bodies in inviscid flows (0.1 MB)

Tomohiro Yanao (JE Marsden) Poster Title: A Novel Mechanism for Molecular Reactions (0.8 MB)