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The bibliography contains information on all citations in the book. Note that the bibliography uses an alphanumberic tag format, so that the bibliography can be updated as the text is written.

Textbook Contents

Bibliography (pdf, 28Sep12)

Supplemental Information

Online References

The following notes, reports and books are available online.

[Bec05] "Feedback for physicists: A tutorial essay on control", Review of Modern Physics, 77:783, 2005 (reprint).

[DFT92] Feedback Control Theory, J. C. Doyle, B. Francis, A. Tannenbaum, MacMillan, 1992.

[Fra15] Classical Control, B. A. Francis, University of Toronto, 2015.

[Lew03] A Mathematical Approach to Classical Control, A. D. Lewis, 2003.

[Mur03] Control in an Information Rich World, R. M. Murray (ed), SIAM, 2003.

[Son98] Mathematical Control Theory, E. D. Sontag, Springer, 1998.

Books and Articles

The following books and articles are referenced in the wiki but are not generally available online (or required a license to access). Links to the homepages for the resources, when available, have been included and can be used to purchase or download.

[Lew92] Applied Optimal Control and Estimation, F. L. Lewis, Prentice-Hall, 1992. (Chapter 1, A Brief History of Feedback Control, available online)

Additional References

The following additional references, which are not referenced in the main text or the wiki, may also be of interest:
