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  2. Golubitsky, M., J. E. Marsden and D. Schaeffer Bifurcation problems with hidden symmetries, Partial Diff. Eqs. and Dynamical Systems, Plenum Press, (W. Fitzgibbon, ed.), (1984), 181-197. (pdf)

  3. Marsden, J. E. Hamiltonian structures for the heavy top and plasmas, Partial Diff. Eqs. and Dynamical Systems, Plenum Press, (W. Fitzgibbon, ed.), (1984), 259-278. (pdf)

  4. Marsden, J. E. and J. C. Simo Stress tensors, Riemannian metrics and the alternative descriptions in elasticity, Springer LNP, 195, (1984), 369-383. (pdf)

  5. Marsden, J. E., P. J. Morrison and A. Weinstein The Hamiltonian structure of the BBGKY hierarchy equations, Cont. Math. AMS., 28, (1984), 115-124. (pdf)

  6. Holm, D. D., J. E. Marsden, T. Ratiu and A. Weinstein Stability of rigid body motion using the Energy-Casimir method, Contemp. Math., 28, (1984), 15-23. (pdf)

  7. Montgomery, R., J. E. Marsden, and T. Ratiu [1984], Gauged Lie-Poisson structures, Contemp. Math., 28, 101-114. (pdf)

  8. Marsden, J. E., T. Ratiu and A. Weinstein Reduction and hamiltonian structures on duals of semidirect product Lie algebras, Contemp. Math., 28, (1984), 55-100. (pdf)

  9. Marsden, J. E. and P. J. Morrison Noncanonical Hamiltonian field theory and reduced MHD, Contemp. Math., 28, (1984), 133-150. (pdf)

  10. Abarbanel, H. D. I., D. D. Holm, J. E. Marsden and T. Ratiu Richardson number criterion for the nonlinear stability of three-dimensional stratified flow, Phys. Rev. Lett., 52, (1984), 2352-2355. (pdf)

  11. Scheurle, J. and J. E Marsden Bifurcation to quasi-periodic tori in the interaction of steady state and Hopf bifurcations, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 15, (1984), 1055-1074. (pdf)

  12. Marsden, J. E., F. M. A. Salam and P. P. Varaiya Arnold diffusion in the swing equations of a power system, IEEE Trans. Circuits Systems I Fund. Theory Appl., 31, (1984), 673-688. (pdf)

  13. Simo, J. C. and J. E Marsden [1984], On the rotated stress tensor and the material version of the Doyle-Ericksen formula, ARMA, 86, 213-231. (pdf)

  14. Ball, J. M. and J. E. Marsden [1984], Quasiconvexity at the boundary, positivity of the second variation and elastic stability, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 86, 251-277. (pdf)

  15. Isenberg, J. and J. E. Marsden The York Map is a canonical transformation, J. Geom. Phys., 1, (1984), 85-105. (pdf)

  16. Marsden, J. E. Chaos in dynamical systems by the Poincaré-Melnikov-Arnold method, Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, SIAM, (J. Chandra, ed.), (1984), 19-31. (pdf)

  17. Marsden, J. E. Stress and Riemannian metrics in nonlinear elasticity, MSRI Proc., 2, (1984), 173-184. (pdf)

  18. Hazeltine, R. D., D. D. Holm, J. E. Marsden and P. J. Morrison Generalized Poisson brackets and nonlinear Liapunov stability-application to reduced MHD, In ICCP Proc., (Lausanne), 2, (1984), 204-206. (pdf)