Cross-Disciplinary Research and the Role of Industry

Bob Barmish, John Barras, Lennart Ljung, Richard Murray, Mike Grimble

2003 Conference on Decision and Control
8 December 2003
Honolulu, Hawaii

CDS Panel Home


The purpose of this workshop is to explore mechanisms for cross-disciplinary research in the control community, particularly the interaction with industry. Modern control involves the development and implementation of a wide variety of very complex engineering systems and the control community has been a major source of training for people who embrace a systems perspective. All modern systems design is done in interdisciplinary teams and it requires certain skills to understand how to effectively interact with domain experts from a wide variety of disciplines. Industry plays a key role in the community in this regard, providing both the success stories of how to integrate interdisciplinary teams and opportunities for students and faculty in universities to interact with such teams.

This free workshop is sponsored by NSF and open to all conference attendees.


Time Speaker Topic
  8:30 am  Richard Murray
California Institute of Technology
Welcome and Introduction [presentation]
  9:00 am  Pramod Khargonekar
University of Florida
Issues and Perspectives on Cross Disciplinary Research [presentation]
  9:30 am 

Bob Barmish
University of Wisconsin

Cross-Disciplinary Research and Industrial Collaboration: A Two-Edged Sword [presentation]
10:00 am  Discussion and break  
10:30 am Richard Murray
Three Views on Industry/University Collaboration [presentation]
11:00 am Mike Grimble
University of Strathclyde
Integrated International Services for Industry
11:30 am  Lennart Ljung
Linkoping University
ISIS -- A center for industry-university cooperation at Linkoping
University [presentation]
12:00 pm  Lunch  
  1:30 pm  Kishan Baheti, NSF NSF Grants Opportunity for Academic Liason with Industry (GOALI)
  2:00 pm  Panel discussion Recommendations for future activities [summary]
  3:00 pm  Adjourn  


There is no registration fee for this workshop, but participants must pre-register through the conference registration form (so that we can get an accurate count of the attendes). A limited amount of funding is available to support one day's lodging for participants in the workshop. Additional information will be available at the workshop.

Links to Additinal Information

This page is maintained by Richard Murray. Last updated December 8, 2003 .