
The 2009 JPL-Caltech Summer Titan SURF Project



Thursday, May 22, 2008
114 Steele --- CDS Library

01:00-1:30 John Elliott, JPL


01:30-2:00 Tim Colonius, Caltech

Numerical simulation of natural convection for the Titan Montgolfiere

02:00-2:30 Claire Newman, Caltech

Obtaining and using wind fields from numerical models of planetary atmospheres

2:30-3:00 Tamer Inanc, University of Louisville

Opportunistic Nonlinear Trajectory Generation for NASA-JPL’s Aerobot

03:00-3:30 Break and Discussions

3:30-4:00 Alberto Elfes, JPL

Autonomous Exploration of Titan

04:00-4:30 Philip Du Toit, Caltech

Computing Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Titan Wind Field

04:30-5:00 Richard Murray, Caltech

Adapting the DARPA Grand Challenge technology to the Titan mission

05:00-5:30 Pablo Abad-Manterola, Caltech

Axel Mobility Platform for Extreme Terrain Excursions and Sampling

05:30-6:00 Wrap Up Discussions