Underwater Glider

This animation shows a simplified model of an underwater glider moving in a current that has a velocity field that is growing linearly as one moves to the right. The initial and final position and the initial velocity of the glider are fixed and DMOC is used to minimize the control force and the final time T.

The blue arrows represent the velocity field of the current V=(0.1*x, 0). The red point is the glider and the yellow point is the desired final position. The black arrow represents the gyroscopic force acting on the glider and the green arrow represents the relative velocity of the glider. Note that the magnitude of the relative velocity is constant and the control force acts orthogonally to the relative velocity all the time.

Oliver Junge
Sina Ober-Blöbaum
Jerrold E. Marsden

UnderwaterGlider.mpg (3.2MB)

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