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D2HFest 2007


Editorial policy

---The subject of the paper should relate to the subject of the meeting. The Guest Editors will reserve the right to judge whether a contribution fits the scope of the topic of the special issue.

---Contributions will be refereed and processed according to the usual procedure of the journal.

---Papers may be based on already published work but should either

(i) contain significant additional new results and/or insights or

(ii) give a survey of the present state of the art, a critical assessment of the present understanding of a topic, and a discussion of open problems.

Guidelines for preparation of contributions

---The deadline for contributed papers will be December 1, 2007.

---There is a page limit of 15-25 printed pages per contribution. For submitted papers exceeding this length the Guest Editors reserve the right to request a reduction in length. Further advice on document preparation can be found at this link: Journal of Physics A

---Contributions to the special issue should if possible be submitted electronically by web upload at the preceding link, or by email to , quoting 'J. Phys. A Special Issue: D2HFest'. Submissions should be in standard LaTeX form. Please see the website for further information on electronic submissions.

---Authors unable to submit electronically may send hard-copy contributions to: Publishing Administrators, Journal of Physics A, Institute of Physics Publishing, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE, UK, enclosing electronic code on floppy disk if available and quoting 'J. Phys. A Special Issue: D2HFest'.

---All contributions should be accompanied by a read-me file or covering letter giving the postal and email address for correspondence. The Publishing Office should be notified of any subsequent change of address.

---The special issue will be published in the paper and online version of the journal. The corresponding author of each contribution will receive a complimentary copy of the issue.