Homework, Grading, and Exam Policies


Homeworks 70%
Final 30%

Late Homework Policy

A maximum of two extensions of up to one week. No other extensions will be granted (i.e you will get zero on any additional late homework), so use them wisely.

No extensions on the last homework.

Software Policy

All phase plots are to be done by the student (that is by hand) using the tools that are taught in class unless otherwise indicated. When the plots are presented without the steps properly indicated it will be assumed that they were NOT created by the student and graded accordingly.

Collaboration Policy

Collaboration on homework assignments is encouraged. You may consult outside reference materials, other students, the TA, or the instructor, but you cannot consult homework solutions from prior years and you must cite any use of material from outside references. All solutions that are handed in should be written up individually and should reflect your own understanding of the subject matter at the time of writing. MATLAB scripts and plots are considered part of your writeup and should be done individually (you can share ideas, but not code).

NO collaboration is allowed on the final exam.