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Towards Model-Based Medicine

Hidenori Kimura, Director, RIKEN BSI/Toyota Collaboration Center,
Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan

Thursday, July 9, 2009
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
214 Steele (Bldg #81)

Clinical medicine has two fundamental features, the one is the logical process of handling human organs based on biology and/or physiology, while the other is the ad hoc process of diagnosis and treatments based essentially on the experience and skills the medical stuffs have acquired. The former comes from the universality of the human body as the biological material and functions, while the latter comes from the specificity of individuals as the complex entity.                          

The recent advances of clinical science has been emphasizing the former aspect of clinical medicine.  At the same time, it may contribute to solving the problem of labor shortage at hospitals due mainly to the aging society, by introducing more advanced medical automation based on model-based medicine.                    

In this talk, we discuss the possibility of advanced idea of model-based medicine that is an inheritance of classical study of homeostasis. We also introduce a novel view of diabetes as a natural outcome of model based medicine. Relevant background can be found in the attached paper.

IFAC 2008 paper

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