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Modeling and Recognition of Dynamic Visual Processes

Prof. Stefano Soatto, Department of Computer Science, UCLA

Wednesday, May 16, 2001
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Steele 102

When watching the sea at sunset or foliage moving in wind, one can show that the sensory data gathered -- i.e. images -- are not sufficient to estimate a physically correct representation of the scene. Nevertheless, we have no trouble recognizing sea waves or trees when we see them. In this talk I will discuss how to identify a dynamical model of a visual process in such a way that the model -- albeit not physically correct -- can be used for recognition. Recognition entails characterizing evolving probability distributions on geometric spaces such as Stiefel manifolds; identification can be seen as a dimensionality reduction step where one wants to estimate the portion of a (stochastically balanced) state space that maximizes mutual information.

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