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CIMMS Lunchtime Series: Biomimetically Inspired Micro Aerial and Underwater Vehicles at the University of Colorado at Boulder

Dr. Kamran Mohseni
Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder

Monday, April 4, 2005
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Steele 114 (CDS Library)

Man-made aerial and underwater vehicles have evolved significantly over the last century and steady aero/hydro-dynamic principles played a major role in the design of these vehicles. In contrast, flight and propulsion in nature resulted from a different evolutionary path in birds and insects' flight and in underwater propulsion by fish and other sea animals.

This talk is focused on two biomimetically inspired aerial and underwater vehicle. The first vehicle is a flexible membrane wing micro-aerial-vehicle (MAV). I will present a summary of the design, fabrication, testing, and numerical simulations around the Colorado MAV. The second vehicle is a small underwater vehicle equipped with low speed maneuvering pulsatile jet actuators. Pulsatile jets are used by squids for locomotion. I will present a summary of our design, modeling, and fabrication of the new actuators.

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