CDS 101 Seminar

Real-time measurement and feedback in quantum systems

Hideo Mabuchi
Caltech Physics and CDS

Friday, 22November 2002
2 pm, 102 Steele

With quantum dynamical systems there's no such thing as a non-invasive measurement, and one generally has to work with measurements that have rather low signal-to-noise ratio (~1). Hence, noise modeling is a crucial aspect of quantum feedback control. In this topical lecture I will describe our group's recent and ongoing work on experiments that utilize real-time feedback to achieve control objectives of relevance to quantum information science.

Copy of presentation [pdf]

This seminar is being presented as part of CDS 101, Principles of Feedback and Control. If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive future CDS 101 seminar announcements, you can subscribe to the cds101-announce mailing list.