I'm a computer scientist with a passion for developing open-source software that support interdisciplinary research in scientific domains.
Early in my career, I integrated research from computer vision and cognitive neuroscience to model mammalian visual texture processing. As a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech, I pioneered the development of the first generation of NeuroML, a software-agnostic format for the exchange of neuronal simulations. Later, as a staff scientist and Senior Research Fellow in the group of John Doyle, I helped systems biology rise to international prominence by developing open standards and software infrastructure that are still in widespread use today. Working with a superb team of international collaborators, I cocreated and led the development of the most widely-used standard format for exchanging computational models, SBML (the Systems Biology Markup Language). I also cocreated MIRIAM (Minimal Information Requested in the Annotation of Models), BioModels.net, the Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN), and the Systems Biology Ontology (SBO). To help support community standards in computational biology, I cofounded COMBINE (the Computational Modeling in Biology Network).
In 2018, I joined the Caltech Digital Library Development group. I've been the lead developer for many systems for the Library, such as a controlled digital lending system that is now used campus-wide at Caltech, a tool to apply machine-learning text recognition to handwritten documents, an automated GitHub repository archiving system, various automation tools such as Boffo to help library staff do their daily work, and multiple API libraries in Python.
Aside from work-related projects, I've also created other open-source software such as Zowie, a macOS tool to help connect Zotero bibliographic entries with external applications. And when not in front of a computer or spending time with family and friends, I enjoy photography, nature, and occasionally, scuba diving.
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