Math 1C -- Spring 2008
Third Term

Calculus of One and Several Variables and Linear Algebra
Practical Track

Jerrold E. Marsden
Steele 113
(Office hours by appointment)

Monday, Wedsnesday, Friday
10:00 - 10:55 a.m.
Gates 222

Teaching Assistants:
Click here


• Grading:

Your course grade will be based on the weekly homework (40%), the midterm (30%), and the final (30%). In computing your combined homework score, the lowest grade will be dropped. No one will be excused from the final.

• Homework:

Homework will be due every Friday at noon in your TA's box outside 253 Sloan. The assignments will be posted on this web page a week before the due date; solutions will be posted there as they become available. Collaboration on homework is permitted and even encouraged. However, you must write up your solutions individually and understand them completely. You may not consult old solution sets when doing the homework.

• Computers:

You may use a computer or calculator on the HW for experimentation and to check your answers or to insert graphical answers, but you should not refer to it directly in the solution, e.g. "by Mathematica" is not an acceptable justification for deriving one equation from another. Computers and calculators will not be allowed on the exams, so it's best not to get too dependent on them. Some software (based on WebMathematica for the most part) will be made available on this website as the class proceeds and demos of how to use it will be given in the lectures. Some of this software is very useful in helping you to develop your visualization skills and to relieve you of routine tasks. But again, they are not a replacement for understanding the material !!

• Late Policy:

Late homework will not be accepted, except in extreme circumstances, which, by definition, require a note from the Dean or the Health Center. Moreover, except in truly extraordinary cases, for late homework to be accepted you must make an initial request for an extension from your TA prior to the due date. Such an extension will be for at most one week. Please note, however, since the lowest homework score is dropped, you are effectively allowed one infinitely late homework.

• Exams:

Both the midterm and the final will be 3-hour take-home exams.

The midterm will replace the 5th homework assignment; it will be given out in class on Friday, May 2, and will be due by Wed, May 7th, at noon.

The final will be given out in class on Friday, June 6th and due back on or before June 12 at noon.

Important: The midterm and final exams are closed book; unlike the homework, you may not refer to any written or online material when taking your exam. No collaboration is allowed on the exams, and computers and calculators are among the list of other things starting with "c" that are prohibited.

• Recitations:

Go to the recitations! Some weeks, a portion of the recitation will be dedicated to introducing some computational (or even theoretical) aspect not covered in class. In general, get to know your TA and bug him/her to death (figuratively speaking) with your questions, and try to fill in all the holes in your understanding of the subject.

• Attending Lectures:

Attending lectures is important. The midterm and/or final examinations will contain a few parts of questions that are more challenging. A couple of these will be chosen from amongst examples that are partially or completely worked out in class. Attend so you don't miss them !

| Textbooks | Assignments | Exams |