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Professor Jerrold E. Marsden

Labeling Figures with LaTeX

LaTeX Slide Presentations

Marslides: Macro Package for slide presentations using LaTeX and TeXPower.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Inputting TeX

FasTeX: Freeware for Macintosh and Unix Operating Systems.

The FasTeX shortcuts system works in conjuction with TypeIt4Me, a shareware program which is "a spectacutar typing-shortcut utility" and "a blessing for anyone who uses the Mac for typing" according to David Pogue & Joseph Schorr, authors of Mac & PowerMac SECRETS.

FasTeX Wiki:
provides links to the FasTeX shortcuts for the Mac and alternative ways to speed up typesetting with similar systems.

Introduction to FasTeX : A System of Keyboard Shortcuts for the Fast Keying of TeX,

TUGboat Volume 16, Number 4 (1996),
Proceedings of the Annual TeX Users Group Meeting 1995. [  Corrigendum ]
Postscript (Version March 1, 1996)

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