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CDS 101: Principles of
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This is the homepage for CDS 101, "Principles of Feedback and Control". This web page is managed by Richard Murray and Sean Humbert. Last modified: 14-Oct-2003
An introduction to feedback and control in physical, biological, engineering,
and information sciences. Basic principles of feedback and its use as a tool
for altering the dynamics of systems and managing uncertainty. Key themes throughout
the course will include input/output response, modeling and model reduction,
linear versus nonlinear models, and local versus global behavior. This course
is taught concurrently with CDS 110a, but is intended for students who are interested
primarily in the concepts and tools of control theory and not the analytical
techniques for design and synthesis of control systems.
Suggested pre-requisites: Basic course on ordinary differential equations and linear algebra (equivalent to Ma 1/2).
Week | Date | Topic (click for details) | Reading | Homework |
30 Sep | Introduction to feedback and control | CDS Panel Report, Ch 1-2 [more] | HW #1 [soln] |
7 Oct | System modeling | Astrom, Sec 3.1-3.2, 3.6 [more] | HW #2 [soln] |
14 Oct | Stability and performance | No required reading [more] | HW #3 [soln] |
21 Oct | Linear systems | PPH, Ch 19, 20, 22 [more] | HW #4 [soln] |
28 Oct | Controllability and state space feedback | PPH, Ch 25 [more] | Midterm [soln] |
4 Nov | Transfer functions | PPH, Ch 5-6 [more] | HW #5 [soln] |
11 Nov | Loop analysis of feedback systems | Astrom, Sec 3.5 [more] | HW #6 [soln] |
18 Nov | Frequency domain control design | No required reading [more] | HW #7 [soln] |
25 Nov | PID and root locus | Astrom, Sec 6.1-6.4, 6.6 [more] | HW #8 [soln] |
2 Dec | Uncertainty analysis | No required reading | Final [soln] |
There is no required text for the course. Reading material for the class will be posted here, along with links to supplemental information.
R. M. Murray (ed), Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems, SIAM, 2002 (to appear). Available online at http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~murray/cdspanel/
K. J. Åström, Control System Design, Preprint, 2002. Online access (Caltech students only).
B. Friedland, Control System Design: An Introduction to State-Space Methods, McGraw-Hill, 1986.
G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and A. Emami-Naeni, Feedback Control of
Dynamic Systems, Addison-
Wesley, 2002.
N. E. Leonard and W. S. Levine, Using Matlab to Analyze and Design Control
Systems, Benjamin/Cummings,
B. C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
MATLAB. A general purpose engineering analysis package that is widely used in industry. Caltech has a site license to Matlab and it should be available on most campus computing systems.