
Quotation: From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment, Refining your Life, Weatherhill, Inc., New York.

1, 7, 3. 5...

The things we encounter every day in our lives just do not arise in a smooth uniform order. Everything occurs in its own way---anything and everything arises! At least that would be a more realistic description of the patttern of our lives, if you want to call it a pattern.

In living this life day by day, in which anything might happen, we search for some absolute truth, but no matter now hard we try we never seem to be able to fix on anything solid that could be labeled truth. The passage it cannot be grasped means that no matter how deep we search for something absolute to cling to, we will never find it. There is always that part of ourselves that wants to put its finger directly on some final universal truth. Life just is not that simple.

The dragon's jewels... the reflection of the moon shines in all the waves of the ocean.

(in other words)

As we live out our day-to-day lives, we encounter innumerable things and situations, and when we start to search for some sort of fixed truth we always fail. This is because the truth of life is only to be found in this wave, in the next, that is, only in our each and every activity. Looking for the light of the moon, we find it in every wave.

Butterflies, courtesy of The Butterfly WebSite

      In this world
      even butterflies
      must earn their keep

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