Nonlinear Rescaling of Control Laws with Application to Stabilization in the Presence of Magnitude Saturation

Pascal Morin, Richard M. Murray, Laurent Praly
1998 IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS)

Motivated by some recent results on the stabilization of homogeneous systems, we present a gain-scheduling approach for the stabilization of non-linear systems. Given a one-parameter family of stabilizing feedbacks and associated Lyapunov functions, we show how the parameter can be rescaled as a function of the state to give a new stabilizing controller. In the case of homogeneous systems, we obtain generalizations of some existing results. We show that this approach can also be applied to non-homogeneous systems. In particular, the main application considered in this paper is to the problem of stabilization with magnitude limitations. For this problem, we develop a design method for single-input controllable systems with eigenvalues in the left closed plane.

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