Future Directions in Control and Dynamical Systems
Panel Meeting

16-17 June 2000
Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland

Agenda Directions Register Panel Homepage

The purpose of this page is to give you additional information regarding the travel and accommodations as well as provide a tentative agenda for the meeting.  If you would like to receive printed information and directions, please register for the conference and we will send them to you.

General Information

Agenda. The meeting will run from 8 am to 5:30 pm on Friday and from 8 am to 5 pm on Saturday. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided on both days, as well as parking at the conference center.  A detailed agenda is also available.

The morning of the first day will consist of a general session with a few overview talks regarding the history and impact of the Fleming report as well as perspectives on control from industry and government. Following this, we will break up into subgroups to discuss specific areas of application. Each group will be given a specific list of outputs that are desired from the subgroup meetings. The groups that we have set up are:

At the end of the first day, each group will give a short status report. The morning of the second day will be spent in subgroups and then the entire group will come back together to hear reports from the subgroups and discuss some of the key themes. A detailed agenda for the meeting will be posted on the web site and e-mailed to participants in the next week.

At the panel meeting, we will also identify a small group of people to serve as a "writing committee" and put together a draft of the report on behalf of the panel. This draft will be distributed electronically to the panel and the meeting participants will form the basis for the final report that will be sent to SIAM for publication. Our goal is to have a draft of the report done by the end of summer, with the final report ready by mid-December. The writing committee will not be limited to members of the panel and we hope this will provide an opportunity for a small group of interested researchers to contribute their time on behalf of the overall group.

Travel Info. The panel meeting will be held at the University of Maryland (College Park) and is being hosted by the Institute for Systems Research. We have reserved a block of rooms at:

Best Western Maryland Inn
8601 Baltimore Blvd
College Park, MD 20740

The rooms are under the group name of SIAM-CDS for the nights of 15-17 June at the special rate of $80 per night. Military rate is $85. This block of rooms is held for us until June 1.

There will be shuttle service provided between the hotel and the conference center both days. The shuttle is scheduled to run at 7:45 on Friday and Saturday mornings and 5:15 on Friday evening.

Bulletin Board. Since it is not possible to invite everyone in the controls community who might have valuable inputs for the panel, we have set up a bulletin board where anyone can post comments. These comments will be distributed to the meeting participants prior to the meeting and we hope that they will serve as a source of ideas and insights for the group. In addition, the bulletin board will remain active while the report is being written and will provide a mechanism for feedback to the writing committee.

Please encourage your colleagues, students and collaborators to post to the web site by letting them know of the panel and asking for their inputs. Each of you is also encouraged to submit comments to allow others to react and amplify your thoughts. The panel and the bulletin board have been described in the Systems and Control E-letter and will also be described in the June issue of the Control Systems Magazine.

Travel Reimbursement. Funding for travel is available through the generosity of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and all participants will be reimbursed after the meeting. In order to insure that we are able to make maximum use of the funding available, please do your best to purchase your tickets in advance (21 or 14 days) and include a Saturday night stay, if possible.

If you do not require funds to cover your travel or you are able to split your travel costs with other trips you have planned, please let me know so that I can make use of those funds to invite additional people to the meeting.

Thank you again for agreeing to serve on this panel and we look forward to seeing you in mid-June. 


Panel Organizing Committee 

Richard Murray (chair) 
Roger Brockett 
John Burns 
John Doyle 
Gunter Stein