CalTeX Talks #1

Automatic Generation of Web-sites using LaTeX2HTML

Dr. Ross R. Moore

Mathematics Department
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia

10 July 1998

Talk: Jorgensen 074, Caltech 10:00 a.m. - noon
Workshop: Jorgensen 154, Caltech 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.


LATEX2HTML is a tool for creating Web-sites from documents or manuscripts written for LATEX, or using LATEX-like syntax. It is the natural tool to choose for generating Web-sites for research articles, course notes, assignments, exercise sheets, seminar slides, even whole electronic manuals, proceedings and theses. LATEX2HTML does a great job with something as large as the college calendar, or something small like this seminar announcement. For mathematics it uses TEX and LATEX to produce the best possible quality images for formulae and mathematical symbols. Sectioning, table-of-contents, footnotes, cross-references, indexing, bibliography are handled automatically using hyperlinks for easy navigation within a collection of carefully prepared HTML pages.

The software itself is freeware, available under the GNU Public License. It consists of a Perl scripts to orchestrate the use of other software, also available freely, to perform the various tasks required to produce the correctly linked HTML pages. The use of HTML ensures that all current browsers can correctly interpret the information contained within these pages, with no need for any extra software, on whatever computing platform. Furthermore every effort has been made to produce HTML code that conforms rigorously to the DTD specifications. This provides a fixed reference specification, so that the information will still be interpretable correctly by future browsers, whatever changes of fashion may occur in browser design.

Biographical Note

A CalTeX mailing list is currently being set up for those interested in receiving updates and reminders by e-mail about this CalTeX TALK. In the meantime, if you wish your name to be added to this list, please send email to wgm@cds.caltech.edu.

This talk is co-hosted by the departments of Computer Science, Control and Dynamical Systems, and Mathematics.


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