Lo Paper

Around the Solar System in 80,000 Days

Jet Propulsion Laboratory 301/140L
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109


Abstract:  On the autumnal equinox of 2000, we delivered the first working version of LTool, NASA newest tool for designing Lagrage Point missions. As a test, we attempted the design of a trajectory that a comet from the Kuiper Belt might use to reach the Asteroid Belt, moving from one planet to the next via the vast network of interplanetary superhighways created by the invariant manifolds of the Lagrange Points. This same class of trajectory is being considered for the design of various missions to Europa and is based on the Petit Grand Tour concept developed earlier. We will provide a demo of LTool. Time permitting, we will also show some LTool grpahics capabilities using recent work on Formation Flight near Lagrange Points, titled: "Celestial Ballet".

Page last modified on 2000-10-23