New Dynamical Systems Applications in Mission Design

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California

Abstract:  The importance of invariant manifolds in dynamical systems theory is well known ever since Poincare's work on celestial mechanics. In particular, Poincare identified heteroclinic and homoclinic cycles as key features of a dynamical system from which chaotic motion can arise. The Genesis Mission uses the heteroclinic behavior between the L1 and L2 Sun-Earth Lagrange points to collect and return solar wind samples to the Earth (launch in 1/7/2000, Lo et al). The motions of comets also follow the heteroclinic/homoclinic cycles of the Sun-Jupiter L1 and L2 Lagrange points (Lo and Ross). These results led to the numerical computation of heteroclinic/homoclinic cycles between Lyapunov orbits around L1 and L2 (Koon et al [1999]). By coupling three-body systems (e.g. Jupiter-Ganymede, Jupiter-Europa) a new mission concept was produced, the Petit Grand Tour of Jovian or Saturnian satellites (Koon et al [1999, Aug. 1999]). Refinements of these techniques combined with understanding of the satellite capture mechanism recently enabled the solution of a long standing problem, a dynamical explanation of and a systematic algorithm for the ballistic transfer and capture of spacecraft to the Moon. Additional work on modeling the Temporary Capture of Jupiter comets using 3-dimensional halo orbits have also yielded excellent matches between pieces of the invariant manifolds of halo orbits with comet orbits in the Jupiter region (Howell et al). Many new problems and applications are suggested by these results. In particular, the use of dynamical systems theory in optimal control problems may supply powerful new tools for space mission design as well as other applications (Serban et al, see Linda Petzold's talk). NASA/JPL has embarked on the development of a next-generation mission design tool using dynamical systems theory, LTool. Some interesting features of this tool, currently under implementation, will be described.

Lo, Martin et al, [1998] Genesis Mission Design, Paper No. AIAA 98-4468, to appear in J. of Astronautical Sciences

Lo, Martin, S. Ross [1997] SURFing the Solar System: Invariant Manifolds and the Dynamics of the Solar System, JPL IOM 312/97

Koon, W.S., M. Lo, J. Marsden, S. Ross [1999] Heteroclinic Connections between Periodic Orbits and Resonance Transitions in Celestial Mechanics, to appear in Chaos

Koon, W.S., M. Lo, J. Marsden, S. Ross [August 1999] Heteroclinic Connections and the Genesis Trajectory, Paper No. AAS 99-451

Howell, K., B. Marchand, M. Lo, S. Ross [1999] Temporary Satellite Capture of Short-Period Jupiter Family Comets from the Perspective of Dynamical Systems, abstract

Serban, R., L. Petzold, W.S. Koon, M. Lo, J. Marsden, L. Petzold, S. Ross, R. Wilson [1999] Genesis Mission Correction Maneuvers Using Optimal Control, draft

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