A block diagonalization theorem in the energy-momentum method

Marsden, J. E., J. C. Simo, D. R. Lewis and T. A. Posbergh

Contemp. Math., 97, (1989), 297-313


We prove a geometric generalization of a block diagonalization theorem first found by the authors for rotating elastic rods. The result here is given in the general context of simple mechanical systems with a symmetry group acting by isometries on a configuration manifold. The result provides a choice of variables for linearized dynamics at a relative equilibrium which block digonalizes the second variation of an augmented energy-these variables effectively separate the rotational and internal vibrational modes. The second variation of the effective Hamiltonian is block diagonal, separating the modes completely, while the symplectic form has an off diagonal term which represents the dynamic interaction between these modes. Otherwise, the symplectic form is in a type of normal form. The result sets the stage for the development of useful criteria for bifurcation as well as the stability criteria found here. In addition, the techniques should apply to other systems as well, such as rotating fluid masses.
