Control and Dynamical Systems Caltech Control and Dynamical Systems
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Graduation 2002

Ph.D. Graduates

Clarence (Clancy) Rowley
ME [ Colonius and Murray ]
- Modeling, Simulation and Control of Cavity Flow Oscillations
Dong-Eui Chang
CDS [ Marsden ]
- Controlled Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Systems
Alex Fax
CDS [ Murray ]
- Optimal and Cooperative Control of Vehicle Formations
Xiaolin Feng
EE [ Doyle ]
- Methods for the Analysis of Visual Motion
Martha Gallivan
ME [ Murray ]
- Modeling and Control of Epitaxial Thin Film Growth
Antonio Hernandez Garduno
Ma [ Marsden ]
- Regularization of the Amended Potential Around a Symmetric Configuration
Todd Murphey
CDS [ Burdick ]
- Control of Multiple Model Systems
Luz Vianey Vela-Arevalo
CDS [ Marsden ]
- Time-Frequency Analysis based on Wavelets for Hamiltonian Systems

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