11-feb-04   Planning Meeting


    team/DevModules/MatlabDisplay/MatlabDisplay:    Draws waypoints corridor.  If you run simulator, matlab will add display Vehicle and path in real time.  Pretty sweet.  Can run on palladium or grandchallenge.  Shooting to combine ladar data with state data in MatlabDisplay. 
    Pretty easy to setup some more MTA messages so Matlab will get it.


    Sue Ann tricked it out and now the vehicle doesn't leave the corridor (in simulation) driving around the parking lot.

Stereo Hardware

    Got new firewire cards.  Need to install.  Also need to mount more cameras and lenses.  Don't yet have a camera for road-following.

Stereo Software

    Jeremy recoded it into a more elegant form.  OpenCV works well on Iridium, but not on grandchallenge.  Segfaults on grandchallenge.  Presently logs jpegs.  Should switch to bmp or pgm to avoid lossy compression.  Need roll, pitch, and yaw from state.  Can't get state data in the shop, so genmaps look awful.  Should set state to 0 for shop testing.  Point cloud seems to be mapping onto genmap well, but some transformations need careful checking and tweaking.


    Driver's done.  Genmap implementation is done.  Some funky noise issues.  Initializing genMap is horribly slow.  Filling it in is fast.  Displaying in Matlab took about 30 seconds.  Takes hug amount of memory.  ~128MB for 1000x1000 array.  (100m with 10cm resolution).   May need greater resolution to detect thin fenceposts.  New driver reports errors and returns invalid points when looking at 0-10 degree and 170-180 degree angles.
    Arrow from HW to SW is green.


    Waypoint spec is green.   Static map documentation is done in team/static.  Needs conversion into genMap.  Needs implementation.  CorridorArcEvaluator is finished with coding but needs testing.  No testing done yet.  Not sure if communication to Arbiter is correct and votes are reasonable.
    CorridorArcEvaluator does not know the next waypoint.  So right now it should run with GlobalPlanner.  Can run CorridorArcEvaluator and GlobalPlanner at the same time.


    Can run with the -noglobal flag which will let the car move even in the abscence of global votes.
    Need to work out voter issues and mode control.  Simulator working fine.  concerns about goodness votes from DFE.  Whether velocity control should be in DFE or global.  Prob should go in global.  Otherwise treat DFE as a mask instead of a voter in arbiter.

Planning Systems

    GenMap implemented.  SaveMap and LoadMap work.  Matlab can read saved genMaps.  GenMap runs very slowly.  Thyago doesn't know why its so slow.  Thyago wants help here.  ArcEvaluator core functions are moving into genMap.
    Need additional capability (conversion to/from static maps).  Also optimization of better algorithms.



Interface Things

Altitude from GPS is jumpy and unreliable.  Possibly can be fixed with a Kalman Filter improvement.   Otherwise, frames xform from vehicle frame to UTM should be changed not to include altitude. 

Task List

Network in the field
Need router passwords
Road Following integration
Low priority since Chris Rasmussen is gone.  WantsgenMaps from Stereo and Ladar for better stuff.  Wants to do terrain fitting to detect things like ruts.  That doesn't work yet.  Running on Windows now.
Clean SVS code
done.  Need to do more parameter tweaking like scaling and rotation.
SVS hardware (cables, mounting, ieee1394 card)

Global: CorridorArcEvaluator
Needs testing
Global: GlobalMapHandler
Not implemented
Global: static map implementation
needs to be done
Corridor following documentation
not done yet
Static Map Generation
have a meeting soon
Ladar: genmap testing
needs to be done
Ladar driver
matlab visualization
done.  Needs tweakingn and documenation
Ladar mounting and cables
Need work.
Planning subteam: Tool tio integrate terrain int osimulation runs:
Visulization tool for genmaps
have static; want real-time
Logging tool for genMaps
path evaluation (esp. testing)
really needs attention.  PRIORITY #1 for planning subteam.  Optimizations.  Talk to Ben Brantley about this.


Partial Obstacle detector (GIS analysis):  no progress (no effort, either).  Testing of corridorArcEvaluator and other stuff this weekend.