Global strategy meeting,
7pm, 2 February 2004
7pm, 3 February 2004

Alan, Rocky, Sue Ann, Thyago, Lars (note taker)

  1. Outline major options
  2. Decide on single plan of action
  3. Distribute work among team members

Major options:
  1. GlobalMapHandler (does not yet exist) - does D* (SW in Claraty) path planning on large subset of route (~1-2 km square), generation of target points between waypoints
  2. GlobalPlanner (exists, working) - waypoint following, no conception of corridor
  3. GlobalPlanner2 (Rocky, exists, needs testing) - planar geometry corridor follower, evaluating arcs, waypoint to waypoint)
  4. --------------- (does not exist) - genMap based corridor follower, evaluating arcs (with or without static map data)
  5. GlobalPlanner3 CorridorArcEvaluator (does not yet exist) - extract a genMap from static map and do arc evaluation with corridor
  6. Target point follower (does not yet exist) - "carrot on a stick", does not have to pass within a given radius of waypoints

Static Map implemention?
Use D* evaluation
genMap (local version) implementation
Target point follower (no corridor)
Corridor follower in arc evaluation
Option 1
Yes (extracted from static map)
Could be
Yes (with #4)
Option 2
Option 3
Yes (
Easy improvements:
  1. Detect when we get into the next corridor segment instead of within the radius of the next waypoint
  2. Navigate comparing the position of the front of the truck instead of the rear axle
Major routes of development
  1. Corridor map generator (genMap version) - Thyago (genMap)
  2. GlobalPlanner3 CorridorArcEvaluator (arc vote generation) - Rocky
  3. Static map generator (definition of formats and classes) - Alan
  4. GlobalMapHandler - Alan
  5. D*
  6. Target point follower
  7. Population of static map - Adam or Sue Ann
Other issues: