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Title: pcms test 1
Author: glenn
Submitted: August 17th, 2004
Topic: Courses
Class: Caltech Public

Welcome to CDS

Caltech Control and Dynamical Systems (CDS) offers an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program

The program provides rigorous training in mathematics, dynamics, and control, coupled with intensive study of application areas in science and engineering. The program offers a unique combination of analytical, computational, and experimental activities, and connects to diverse research across the Caltech campus.

CDS may also be pursued as a minor concentration by undergraduates

This concentration may be pursued by undergraduates who are taking degrees in science, mathematics, or engineering. The CDS minor is intended to supplement one of Caltech's normal undergraduate degrees and is designed for students who wish to broaden their knowledge beyond their normal major or who may wish to pursue a graduate program involving control or dynamical systems. Students completing the minor requirements below in CDS will have the phrase "minor in Control and Dynamical Systems'' added to their transcript and their graduating degree materials.

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