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Category: CVS Use



  • How do I use CVS to manage source code in CDS?
    Submitted by: mpotter
    Submitted on: September 9, 2004

    CDS CVS Setup

    Please see the subversion FAQ. CVS is destinend to be decommissioned.

    CVS HowTo

    This document provides a very brief summary of how to write scientific papers using CVS. General information on CVS is available from the CVS home page. There is a full CVS manual, which can be downloaded in various formats.

    A CVS repository is the central server which holds all of the data. This document assumes that you are using the repository located at

    Within a repository there will be many modules. Each paper has its own module, which contains all of the files needed for the paper, including the tex files, eps figures, etc.

    When you are working with a paper stored in a CVS repository, you normally checkout the module to get a local copy stored on your own computer. You then edit the files, and commit your modified files, so that they are once again stored in the repository.

    If multiple people are working on the same paper, then the files stored in the repository might have changed since your checkout. In that case, you will need to update your local files to get the latest version of the repository files. If several people have been simultaneously editing the same file then there might be conflicts between the changes, which will need to be resolved. To see whether there are conflicts, it is common to do a diff to show the differences between the local and repository copies of a file.

    Summary of commands

    Username/Password: Before you can use a CVS repository, you need to obtain a username and password for remote access. This can be obtained from an administrator of the repository.

    Checkout: Accessing a module for the first time:

    cvs -d login
    cvs -d checkout module

    The following commands should all be run from within the local module directory.

    • Update: Getting the latest version of a module:
      cvs update
    • Diff: Viewing the difference between a local file and the repository copy:
      cvs diff filename
    • Commit: Committing changes back to the repository:
      cvs commit -m 'log_message'
    • Add: Adding a new file to the repository:
      cvs add filename
      cvs commit -m 'log_message' filename
    • Binary files: Adding a new binary file (eps figures, pdf files, etc.) to the repository:
      cvs add -kb filename
      cvs commit -m 'log_message' filename
    • Remove: Deleting a file from the repository:
      rm filename
      cvs remove filename
      cvs commit -m 'log_message' filename
    • Log: Viewing the log of updates to a file:
      cvs log filename

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