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CDS 140a

Class policies


CDS 140a -- Fall 2005
First Term

Introduction to Dynamics

Prerequisites: ACM 95 or equivalent

Grading, Homework and Exam Policies


The final grade will be based on homework, class participation (defined below), a midterm, and a comprehensive final exam.

  • Homework: 35%. There will be 8 or 9 problem sets. Each problem set will have around 10 problems. Once a homework problem set is made available on the web, consider it assigned. Each student will be allowed to turn in no more than 2 homeworks later than a week after the due date.

  • Class participation : 10%. Weekly discussion sessions will be held in which students present solutions to selected howework problems on the board to other class members, guided by the TA. Each session, 3 problems will be presented and each solution will be scribed by one other classmate. Full credit will be awarded if students participate in at least 4 sessions, complete at least 1 problem on the board, and scribe at least one solution. The three problems will be made known in each homework. This scribe is responsible for taking notes, and writing up the solution in LaTeX.

  • Midterm: 20%

  • Comprehensive final exam: 35%.

Homework and Exam Policy

  • Collaboration on homework assignments is allowed. You may consult outside reference materials, other students, the TA, or the instructor. However all solutions that are handed in should reflect your understanding of the subject matter at the time of writing.

  • No collaboration is allowed on the midterm or the final exam.