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Instructions for creating/editing mud card database entries

For CDS101/110 we answer mud card and homework questions using the FAQ system on the CDS Central site. To create a new entry, first go to CDS Central and sign in (you need a CDS account to do this). Then follow the FAQ link (under Resources, on the left side of the page), then "CDS 101/110 Fall 2004" under "courses" to access the FAQ page. Then click the "edit" button on the "category" line at the top to access a editing form. At the bottom of the resulting page are fields to enter the question, an identifier, and the answer. For mud cards the identifier should be "Lx.y", where "x" is the week and "y" is the lecture number, i.e. "L3.2" for the Wednesday lecture of week 3. For homeworks the identifier should be "Hz", where z is the homework number, for example "H3" for the third homework assignment.

To add LaTeX equations to your answer, you first need to create an image from the LaTeX code. We do this through the course Wiki. From CDS central, choose the "Wiki" link under "resources" on the left, then choose the edit link for the CDS 101/110 Fall 2004 Wiki. Scroll down to "Convert a latex equation to an image", give the image an appropriate name, then enter the LaTeX code (including "$" signs) in the box and click "convert". To link to the image from the FAQ use the code:


Where imagename is the name you gave the equation when entering the LaTeX code. For an example choose the edit link under any FAQ response containing equations.